Would you rather go to Hawaii or Alaska?
Comment by Jen from Elmwood Park2007-08-28 12:36:36 That would depend on how badly in need of a tan I was. Comment by Rach from Los Angeles2007-08-28 17:23:56 Hawaii! Comment by Elysia Paxton from Helotes2007-08-28 20:39:34 Most likely alaska bcuz everyone goes to Hawaii Comment by Dad from Baraga2007-08-29 16:04:33 Alaska, without a doubt. I just can't imagaine the beauty and the wildness. maybe someday. Comment by Elizabeth from Marqutte2007-08-30 15:26:26 Hawaii......frankly because I've already been to Alaska. <br />
Although I had te time of my life and would go back in a heatbeat. Comment by Barb and Lowell from L'Anse across the bay from Baraga2007-08-31 00:20:46 Why not both? Maybe...someday....Hey, Bugsy...We are heading for Finland for 2 weeks....Sept. 4-18th. Yes, we are thrilled. It never would have happened if we hadn't started on family genealogy....so my advice is....if you want really great things to happen start on your family history.........boy, do doors ever start opening and lots of surprises.<br />
Hugs and our best to you,<br />
B and L Comment by Mom from Baraga2007-09-03 15:25:09 After reading your blogs, the answer is definitely Alaska. I would love all that you are seeing and doing. And since Dad also chose Alaska (no surprise there!) at least we are on the same wave-length!! Comment by Mean Balgo from Fowlerville2007-09-04 10:32:24 Hawaii. I need warm, sunny beaches. Comment by Parker Manis from Boston2007-09-04 23:02:02 Alaska baby!! I can handle the cold water Comment by Stacy Ciesla from chicago2007-09-05 21:34:33 hawaii<br /> Comment by stephanie from fairhaven2007-09-05 21:34:55 alaska cause its beautiful Comment by Meg from East Lansing2007-09-05 21:37:23 Alaska, but only if I could travel there by boat. Comment by Esther from Concord2007-09-05 21:43:11 Hawaii..i can't stand to be cold. also, up in the mountains of Hawaii it can be snowy and then you can go down to the beach and swim! Comment by Ryan Quinn from Morgantown2007-09-05 21:46:27 I think I'd try to get sponsored by Jeep so I could take a 50 state tour and see both. Or has someone already done that? Comment by Jen from East Lansing2007-09-05 21:48:59 hm i think it would depend on what time of the year it was cause i can't stand when it's super hot or super cold . . . i'd definitely have to say both though Comment by Molly from UP and MSU2007-09-05 22:04:16 I think I'd match better with Alaska weather, and I'd love to see whales and whatnot. Though I've heard the water of Hawaii is beautiful. Comment by Emily from East Lansing2007-09-05 22:08:22 well i've already been to alaska...so hawaii. Comment by Josh from Suwanee2007-09-05 22:22:11 alaska Comment by steve-o from chicago2007-09-05 22:23:58 ALASKA.. beaches are overrated! Comment by Kelsey from eagan2007-09-05 22:51:57 Both would be great. But I kinda think Alaska more. Comment by Kevin from Auburn Hills2007-09-05 23:05:35 Alaska, hands down. Comment by Deb (Jen's Mom) from East Leroy2007-09-05 23:38:04 Alaska, especially after your descriptions, and I've already been to Hawaii - although I wouldn't mind going back. Comment by Fatimah from Battle Creek2007-09-06 00:47:29 man i say both cos part of me says Alaska cos everyone goes to Hawaii and Alaska has such beautiful scenery and is so peaceful... BUT i'd choose Hawaii cos its just tropical paradise! Comment by Beth from Traverse City2007-09-06 00:57:40 alaska!!! Comment by Paul from Saline2007-09-06 08:52:40 Alaska Comment by Carol from Rose City2007-09-06 12:11:49 Alaska - I've never been there and hear so often that it is awesome. A trip on the Inland Waterway and to Denali Natl Park! Comment by timi from juneau2007-09-06 13:08:29 alaska, and i live here :) Comment by Monica from Seward2007-09-06 13:10:15 Hawaii...Alaska is really over rated! People don't want to be cold all the time and have to deal with moose and bears. The sun doesn't shine 6 months of the year. All it does is rain or snow. There are no good sandy beaches and even it there were, you wouldn't want to hang out at them because the water is too cold. The people are all crazy! Hawaii is a nice average 70 degrees year round! (wink)<br /> Comment by ALAN LARSEN from Michigamme2007-09-06 14:00:42 Alaska!! Been there and would like to go back. Comment by Armin Sher from Milwaukee2007-09-06 16:41:45 Alaska------ already spent 3 years in the Aloha State. Comment by Tessa from L'Anse2007-09-24 22:48:49 I would rather go to Hawaii because it is a lot warmer but then i would rather live in Alaska because it is colder than Hawaii but I dont know I think both but the only sucky thing about going to live and stay in Hawaii is that there is a chance you would get in a Tsunami....so i dont know. Comment by courtney from baraga2007-09-25 17:39:33 i would rather go to Hawaii! what would you rather got to? Comment by hananim_jx from Unknown2008-05-11 04:48:24 <a href= ></a> <br /> |