What’s your job and what’s the most rewarding aspect of it?
Comment by Dad from Baraga2007-05-02 14:28:03 As a forester helping people manage their land, the best part is helping the people make the right deceisions on how to treat their land. It is very rewarding to see them accmpligh their goals on the land with some assistance from me. It is also great to get out on the land at all times of the year....downfall?? today, typing up the report for the people, these fingers wern't designed for all of this typing Comment by Nikki from Long Beach2007-05-02 14:31:20 Librarian <br />
The most rewarding aspect is teaching others how to find and use informationand watching them learn and grow. As a result of that I am learning something new every day too. I can't imagine a better job. Comment by Lisa Kowalski from San Luis Obispo2007-05-04 00:25:23 I love watching people set and achieve personal goals in fitness. I can help them and encourage them along the way and that is awesome. And, I work out and get paid for it! BONUS! Comment by Kristaaaay! from BoisE!!!2007-05-05 01:02:42 hostess with the mostessssssssss! some people freak out about food...its unbelievable...but i have the ability to make some peoples day, and they thank me over and over and over again! its great! Comment by Amy from TC2007-05-05 23:56:50 I am the Program Director at an orphanage in the Dominican Republic. About 40 kids live here and I get to see their faces light up whenever we have movie nights, do art, legos, games, cake baking, sports and all of the other activities we put on for them. This is a 3rd world country, lots of poverty, and the kids truly appreciate everything we do for them- it's an incredible job! Comment by Brian Cottrell from Boise2007-05-07 08:50:33 I teach English to Professors at a Chinese University.(Nanchang) The most rewarding aspect of being in China and with my students is seeing them make a improved progress during the time I'm with them. Comment by Barb from L'Anse across the bay from Baraga2007-05-07 11:49:24 My "job" was teaching children to read, loving reading and remembering what they read. I taught for 35 years and have been "retired?" for 9. The best part is having students come back to say thank you. Thank you for caring, thank you for the yearbook, thank you for being mom, grama, auntie or whatever to me. Many are teachers, nurses, Doctors, mothers and dads, plumbers, woodsmen,etc.<br />
I enjoy the phone calls, emails, visits and notes I receive from these young people. Remember, if your child sees you reading a book, newspaper etc., they will become readers too. <br />
Have a sweet day. Barb Comment by Jeanna from Nebraska City2007-05-09 12:23:33 I like to think of my "job" as a "lifestyle" now...gives it a little different meaning. There are so many things I find rewarding about being an innkeeper/hospitality extraordinaire...but, I'd say the most would have to be my interacting with people and being able to provide them a place for retreat. It's rewarding to watch them reconnect with one another, their families or themselves and get back to enjoying the simple things in life. It's so great to see them relaxed when they are ready to leave. I have to add that it's really neat to bring people from different places and lifestyles and watch and listen to them at the breakfast table laughing and telling stories and there is ALWAYS some connection somehow - amazing! Comment by Eric from Corpus Christi2007-07-19 03:38:54 I'm in the U.S. Navy as an Information System Technician. Oooooohhhh, Aaaaaahhhhh but anyway...I love technology and seeing other people get mad at a computer like it's going to react back @ them. Classic! LMAO!!! Comment by imobhl ozab from ezcx2007-08-23 04:17:32 porgsvakf zigy ckafpq jerc fsor lncfotvq awtmezbiu Comment by imobhl ozab from ezcx2007-08-23 04:19:41 porgsvakf zigy ckafpq jerc fsor lncfotvq awtmezbiu |