What’s your favorite monument or memorial in the United States?
Comment by Barb from L'Anse across the bay from Baraga2007-05-29 08:10:12 The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, because it represents all of America.<br />
The other one would be The Statue of Liberty to us older Americans. Our grandparents and great grandparents came by boat. Now they come by plane or cross the border and it doesn't mean a darn thing to the last couple of generations and now. Sad......<br /> Comment by Amy from East Lansing2007-05-29 14:56:30 The FDR memorial in Washington DC. FDR has always stood out in my mind as a great president and a hero. It's a beautiful sight to see after dark because it's a collection of very dimly lit water falls and rockscapes. It sits on the bay and you can see the other, bigger memorials while sitting on the shore line. It's such an intimate little memorial that I decided to ask my husband to marry me while we were there! :) Comment by Armin from Milwaukee2007-05-29 16:00:53 USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Its is a grim reminder of the horrors of war. Comment by Bill Hart from Phoenix2007-05-31 07:20:39 Korean War Memorial, Washington D.C. it is eerie and lifelike. Somehow makes one feel like they're in Korea at that time. Comment by Mom from Baraga2007-06-02 19:34:05 The Lincoln Memorial in Wash DC. Because Lincoln lived his life for God, Family and Country. Because despite humble beginnings and having to overcome many obstacles and losses, he persevered to become one of our greatest Presidents. He was a humble man who had to make many difficult decisions. I stood right on the spot in Gettysburg where Lincoln gave his Gettysburg Address. And just 2 months ago I stood on the beautiful Sinking Spring Farm in Kentucky where Lincoln was born. All 3 of these spots make me pause and pay my respects to a great man. Bugsy, they are all true "just imagine" moments! Comment by Brian from Boise2007-06-04 02:58:17 The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The men and women who "walk the mat" each day and night are to be commended for their preparation and efforts to keep the traditions alive. Comment by Eric from Corpus Christi2007-07-19 03:44:38 USS Arizona Memorial and Pearl Harbor in general. There are alot of other ships in the harbor that are still under water. |