What would you change about your hometown?
Comment by Jen from Leeds2007-03-15 14:22:05 Winter would end promptly on February 1st, when it starts getting ugly and 40 below zero.<br />
The traffic- every street would have 8 lanes, one 'Cab' only, in which they would be immediately pulled over and impounded if they left, cause they will run you over. Whitesox fans. Comment by hooter Hicks from San Diego2007-03-15 21:13:19 make it cheap to live in.. San Diego = Expensive but.... Worth every penny.. Comment by Kayleen Johnson from Riverview2007-03-16 14:15:32 I would make an amusement park or some form of entertainment in my town. Honestly, there's a trash hill, a Coney Island, and a pool hall that is overly packed every night. Eating is the only thing to do in Riverview. No wonder why everyone here is fat "P Comment by Debbie from Dover2007-03-17 12:08:57 I'd allow restaurants to serve drinks -- My hometown is "dry", which means good restaurants can't afford to move here. Comment by Jessica from Baraga2007-03-19 11:59:45 I would make more entertainment available to the kids growing up in the area. There are too many bad influences going around back at home now a days....WAY too much drugs. It's so scary...(guess that's a reason why I wanna go into law enforcement?) Anyways, I would try and solve that problem and make it a cleaner, more safe place to live. Comment by Armin from Milwaukee2007-03-19 15:31:33 Keep the park budgets up. Comment by Heidi from Hartland2007-04-14 10:28:57 Less retail!!! I'm supposed to be in BFE. People move here to get away from the city but then the developers bring the city here anyways and the Township lets them. Ugh!!! <br />
Then I'd add a park to ride bikes, rollerblad, walk, picnic, etc. Comment by Kathy Couturier - 3rd gt from Lake Leelanau2007-04-20 09:25:42 Nothing - Bryn<br />
Nothing - Sam<br />
Probably nothing - Ryan<br />
Nothing - Rachael<br />
15 more malls and some more zoo and make that old zoo open again! - Ainsely<br />
Get rid of condors - Scout<br />
Nothing - Hunter<br />
Nothing - Matthew Comment by Eric from Corpus Christi2007-07-19 02:54:49 Help expand Atlanta out towards Cedartown, GA. but I really think that will happen anyway in the next ten years or so. Comment by Elysia Paxton from Helotes2007-08-28 20:45:03 I wish i didnt grow so much cuz i liked it when it was smaller with less ppl. |