What would you bring to photograph in all 50 states? (like Rice)
Comment by Khalid from east lansing2007-04-16 10:49:43 I would bring my canon SlR (film). It has been with me all this time and I couldn't part with it for such a "quest".<br />
Of course, it would be nice to have a canon 30D body in the camera bag. Comment by Armin Sher from Milwaukee2007-04-16 11:29:15 My old Zeiss Icon slr. Comment by John Ellenich from Phoenix2007-04-16 12:12:31 My VW Rabbit. VeeDub in the haus! Comment by Molly B from the UP and MSU2007-04-17 16:49:04 My fuzzy squirrel! Comment by Jordan from Hugo2007-04-17 18:44:50 I would bring my old cat oreo Comment by Barb from L'Anse2007-04-18 10:24:56 I couldn't take just one thing. I would take my husband, camera and last but not least...Clifford, my Big Red Dog! For 8 years he traveled to several countries in the world with a couple of sailors and my first grade students that traveled around the USA on their Christmas or Easter breaks. Talk about some great stories! He rode a camel in Egypt! He flew in jet and got his wings! He learned how to pack a parachute for our folks that fly fighter jets. He went ice fishing. He sat on the nose cone of a spacecraft in a museum. And on the stories go........hugs for a great day, Justin. B and L Comment by lauren walker from vestavia2007-04-18 23:24:42 a panda.... because squirrels are nothing more that nature's little speedbumps. (sorry rice) Comment by Mom from Baraga2007-04-24 23:49:56 a can of diet Dr. Pepper and my can holder! You know they have already been featured in several photos from our travels across the country! :) Comment by Pat Sullivan from Bozeman2007-04-25 13:31:45 My binoculars, as I'm looking at something unique. Comment by Heather from Taneytown2007-06-26 15:40:27 My dog Bellatrix. Comment by Eric from Corpus Christi2007-07-19 03:26:48 I would go kidnap Garth the travel Gnome and take him with me. Ransom? Maybe!!!<br />
<br /> Comment by shaina from morgantown2007-08-07 15:41:44 I would maybe bring a garden gnome...in honor of one of my favorite movies "Amelie". I have a funny story to add that sort of relates to this topic. At the privately owned restaurant i used to work at we would decorate for christmas every year and one year the baby jesus from the nativity scene was missing when we went to pack everything up for the year. The following year the city police were called about an abandoned baby being left at a local bus stop. Upon arrival the police found the baby jesus with a photo album and a note to bring him home to our resteraunt. The photo album was filled with pictures of a years worth of baby jesus traveling and being well taken care of (even fed). :) when the people arrived at our resteraunt with baby jesus our owner/manager was pretty angry but no one ever fessed up to the prank.<br /> Comment by Elysia from Helotes2007-08-28 20:47:44 Can i borrow rice?<br /> |