What size town would you most like to live in?
Comment by Heather from Taneytown2007-06-26 15:39:08 Population under 10,000! Once you start getting too crowded people become rude! Comment by Jen from Elmwood Park2007-06-28 14:22:08 Heather, I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. You must come to Chicago, everyone is friendly in the midwest! (Unless they are behind a car, then I will agree with you everyone is a jerk.)<br />
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In general, I'd lean towards a big city; small towns have their charm, and I must admit it is nice to see actual nature and stars in the sky, and to have roads that don't resemble parking lots during rush hour, but I would feel too secluded from the 'rest of the world.' What I love about Chicago is that it is a big city, but has the feel of a small town. There is a strong sense of community and pride in the city, (especially when it comes to sports!) There's a mini civil war every baseball season, but once football season rolls around, (and basketball back in the day) it's like one really big happy family, well depending on how they're doing that is. But I suppose this is answering much more than the question is asking. To get to the point, there are large cities that can seem impersonal, and in that case I would choose a more moderate sized town, but I'd like a place with the best of both worlds. (We're spoiled here) :) Comment by Mom from Baraga2007-07-06 09:32:15 At this point in my life, I am happy living in Baraga, population about 1100. I also loved growing up in East Lansing - highschool graduating class of about 350. Ideally I think about 10-12,000 population. And there has to be at least one quilt shop! Comment by Eric from Corpus Christi2007-07-19 04:37:37 I don't mind living in a city or a small town. I guess I can settle for something like San Diego however I do like Corpus Christi, Texas....the last known coast in the United States that will be up and coming. |