What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Comment by Barb from L'Anse2007-04-30 15:22:37 I wanted to be an airline stewardess for the Blue Goose airlines out of Houghton/Hancock back in 1959. I was turned down because I bit my nails....hmmmmmmmm wonder if that excuse would fly today? Comment by Emily from Traverse City2007-05-01 13:20:05 I wanted to be a 'horse rider'. :) So far its not working out so well... Comment by Naomi from Baton Rouge2007-05-01 13:21:22 I wanted to be a judge or banker when I was a kid, an engineer when I was a teenager and a food scientist ever since =) Comment by Mike from Lansing2007-05-01 13:22:58 I always wanted to be a bum growing up. Comment by John Ellenich from Phoenix2007-05-01 13:26:50 I always knew I wanted to use technology somehow, I just didn't know what exactly. I was really into art in high school, and then I discovered the DMAT program at Michigan State. Now, I get to draw pictures all day on a Mac- how cool is that!?! Comment by Angela from Ferndale2007-05-01 13:39:15 I wanted to be a garbage woman when I was really little, because my parents threw out a little wooden chair that I really liked, and if I was a garbage person I could get it back! Then I said I wanted to be a National Geographic photograper for a long time. Comment by Emily from Oneonta2007-05-01 13:58:13 I am pretty sure I wanted to be a grown up. Go figure since I know I'd rather be a kid. Comment by Jen from East Lansing2007-05-01 14:04:54 i wanted to be a veterinarian cause i love animals . . . but then i discovered that needles scare the crap out of me. Comment by Jen from Leeds2007-05-02 06:50:20 I wanted to be an author for a little while; my friend and I wrote a 'series' from 3rd-8th grade. It was really bad. (Not as bad as our movies though.)<br />
Also and astronaut, actually I'd still like to be an astronaut, just without all the science and counting and education stuff.<br />
And a National Geographic photographer. (I'd like to still be that too.) Comment by Sarah from Bay City2007-05-02 14:15:08 I really, really wanted to be a famous actress. I was in about a million plays growing up in preparation. I wanted to jump a plane to either broadway or hollywood as soon as I "grew up". Who'd have thought that about quiet little me?? Comment by Natalie from Madison2007-05-03 04:20:55 I wanted to be a garbage lady because I used to get up early to watch them throw the trash into the back of the hungry garbage truck and it was always men so i wanted to prove that a woman could do it too...now I'm a mechanical engineer instead. Comment by Eric from Corpus Christi2007-07-19 03:35:51 I wanted to be an Architect! Comment by Elysia from Helotes2007-08-28 20:48:22 A teacher |