What 5 books would you bring on a year-long trip?
Comment by Philip Cunningham III from Panama City2007-04-24 01:20:43 1.) The Holy Bible<br />
<br />
2.) The Journals of Lewis and Clark<br />
<br />
3.) Over the Edge of the World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe*<br />
<br />
4.) The Ultimate Baseball Road-Trip: A Fan's Guide to Major League Stadiums.<br />
<br />
5.) Rand McNally 2007 Road Atlas ;)<br />
<br />
* Magellan's story has so much drama! I can't believe Hollywood hasn't made a movie out of it yet. Comment by Jen from Leeds2007-04-24 16:44:06 -The 7th Harry Potter when it comes out (July 21st, ya that's right, if I had a calendar it would be circled)<br />
-Notes From a Big Country by Bill Bryson<br />
-Two books I've never read before but I've heard are good, because once you pass 8 re-reading the same book 48 times starts to become redundant<br />
-Oh The Places You'll Go by Dr. Suess (Someday I'll finish it) Comment by Robert from Denver2007-04-25 00:05:47 <br />
1) Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig<br />
2) Riddley Walker by Russell Hoban, because every time I read it I understand it a little more.<br />
3) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams<br />
4) Gödel, Escher, Bach by Douglas Hofstadter; maybe I'll finish it.<br />
5) A Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett that I haven't read yet.<br /> Comment by John Ellenich from Phoenix2007-04-25 13:15:05 5 that I haven't read before and heard were good. Comment by Barb from L'Anse across the Bay from Baraga2007-04-25 21:45:28 1. The Holy Bible....I never get tired of reading it. Always learn something new by reading and pondering it.<br />
2. A HUGE crossword puzzle book.<br />
3. A Theasurus<br />
4. Queen Noor<br />
5. A love story, mystery and a children's joke book all in one. ;) Comment by Barb from L'Anse across the Bay from Baraga2007-04-25 21:47:32 Opps...I better take a dictionary too.<br />
Thesaurus. Comment by Mom from Baraga2007-05-08 16:39:31 -The Bible <br />
-Quilter's Travel Companion (which lists all quilt shops across the continental US) <br />
-a current best seller for relaxing time<br />
-a travel book like "America's Most Scenic Drives"<br />
- Atlas, puzzle book Comment by Eric from Corpus Christi2007-07-19 03:34:37 My Bible! <br />
Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki<br />
Reposition Yourself by T.D. Jakes<br />
The precious present by Spencer Johnson<br />
My wifey!<br />
<br /> Comment by dbnsog jxfo from zadfpigl2007-09-26 18:23:34 oaiqcku kuhzjfglt groscldh fboy dlwntb nozql edpuzs |