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Daily Fruit

Young Friends in Michigan

Friday, Mar 16, 2007 from Lago Vista, Texas

There are endless perks to my 50 state travels, but this is as good as it gets and absolutely makes my day. My cousin Matthew from Suttons Bay, MI and his 3rd grade class have shared a few e-mails with me from school. I thought this would be very worthy to share with everyone else. I hope just reading their questions and comments brightens your day as much as it does mine. And of course… thank you very much class!

Hi Justin, this is Ryan. I was wondering if you were going to come to Michigan or even Suttons Bay? In Social Studies, we're learning about the 50 states kind of like you’re doing, but in our classroom. I was wondering-have you been to South Carolina yet? Please write back if you can.

A: Ryan, I will be coming back to Michigan eventually! But it’s still a long ways away. I should be back in September, so another six months away. If things work out I will drive around Michigan and just visit with family and friends for a while, which means I plan on making it up to Suttons Bay. I haven’t been to South Carolina yet, but I should be there in a month or so. Thanks for asking. Can you tell me all the 50 states and the capitals?

Hi, it’s Scout. Do you like the Detroit Pistons? Can you visit us sometime? Having fun. Visit St. Mary’s School. Have fun. You should go to San Antonio. Tell me if you are.

A: Hey Scout, how’s it going? Of course I like the Pistons! Detroit sports always come first before any other team. Do you play basketball? And yes, I would be happy to come and visit your school, and you’ll be in 4th grade then. I will make a point of coming by.

Justin - How are you? I am good. Have a great time. Matthew

A: I’m great Matthew! How are you?

From Trevor: Can you do it in 1 day? You should be in a record book. Do you ride in a car, or a plane? If you ride in a car, I would faint. Well, bye. You can call me T.D.

A: All 50 states in one day?!?! That sounds like a lot Trevor. I’m positive that would be record breaking. Maybe I should see if I can do it in a month. And I’m driving in a really cool car! It’s a Jeep Compass. But I did fly to Hawaii and I will fly to Alaska as well.

From Ainsley: Hi. I hope you are having fun traveling the 50 states. I bet you are talkin in different languages. It must be fun traveling the 50 states. You must be eating lots of different food. Hope you have fun. I hope when I am bigger, I could do that. See you soon.

A: Hi Ainsley, how are you? I sure am having fun. Well I don’t know any languages other than English and I can get by with that. But I do get to try lots of different food, such as a Loco Moco in Hawaii.

Hello, I’ve always wanted to travel somewhere. You are very lucky. How much time do you stay in a state? What is your favorite state you have gone to so far? From Grace.

A: Grace, you’re right, I’m very lucky to do what I do. I’m also trying to encourage other people to pursuit their huge dreams. Usually I spend 5-6 days in a state with a few exceptions. I spent three weeks in California and now two weeks in Texas. My favorite state, hmmm… Oregon has been the most scenic, but I have the best memories from Idaho.

Hi, my name is Anna. Do you like traveling and trying new things? I think I would like doing that when I grow up. -Anna

A: Hello Anna. If I didn’t enjoy traveling and trying new things I would never be able to make it this far on my trip. Actually, I used to be terrible about trying new things, especially new foods. Are you a picky eater Anna? Start trying new foods, it’s quite rewarding. I’m sure you can do something like this when you grow up.

Hello, my name is Chelsea. I like going places and explore the place I am at. I hope you are having fun. I think I could not do what you do because I do not like going on planes even though my dad used to be a pilot. Love, from Chelsea

A: Chelsea of course you can do what I am, and you know why? I’m driving! There’s only one state that you wouldn’t be able to get to driving, that’s Hawaii. But you have to wait a few years until you can drive. But I think you’ll start to enjoy flying soon. That’s cool that your dad used to be a pilot!

Hi, my name is Rachael. My friend and his family want to do the same thing. His name is Harrison. He is my cousin. You are cool! From Rachael!

A: Howdy Rachael. I hope your friend and his family can do the same thing. It is a great experience, I would encourage anyone to do it who can. Thanks for saying I’m cool, but I know you and your classmates are much cooler than I am.

Yo, what’s up? You’re talkin’ to Thomas! I think it is very cool that you are traveling the United States!

A: Thanks Thomas. I think it’s very cool that you’re in 3rd grade! 3rd grade is awesome!

Thanks for the tip Justin. I like it. I will keep that in mind. Having fun? From Scout

A: I’m having great fun Scout! Almost as much fun as I used to have in 3rd grade.

Hey Justin, send us some stuff from your trip and have fun. From Sam

A: Sam, what would you like? Have your teacher send me a mailing address for a postcard.

Hi, my name is Hunter. Send a note with my name and I am 9 and I am a cousin to Matthew and I am cool.

A: Hunted, what’s going on? That’s a cool name. And I already knew you were cool.

Hi Justin. This is Matthew J. It’s great that you are going to all the 50 states. I can not believe that you almost drove 1500 miles. Have a great time. From Matthew J.

A: Matthew, thanks for writing and sharing my project with your class. It’s been a long time since I have seen you. When I get back to Michigan I will stop by and tell you tons of stories and show you some awesome photos. Oh, and I’ve driven over 15,000 miles, not 1500.

Keep up the good work in school kids and be good to your teachers!

Blog Date Posted: Mar 16, 2007 | 1147 words | comments 3 Comments
Comment by ANGELA

You are invincible!

Comment by ANGELA

You are invincible!

Comment by Kristina
From NY, NY

i like this entry. ;) wish kids everywhere were so innocent. ;) safe travels!