-Bugsy You're viewing the original Hometown Invasion Tour website as it appeared in 2006/07. At the time, a site built with tables and flash was commonplace. A few backend changes were made to keep the site functioning, but it appears just as it did 16 years ago. See what I've been up to for the last 16 years at www.bugsy.me |
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Young Professionals and ISaturday, May 26, 2007 from Charleston, South CarolinaOne evening I headed with Mark and Lindsay to a nice gathering for the Young Professionals of Charleston. I’ve been to a couple of these appetizer and small chat gatherings before. And even though I wasn’t dressed the part, I knew my story could make up for the rest. On the way in I dropped my card into the pail for a chance to win a door prize. Now I never win things. I can’t even count how many free lunch drawings I’ve put my card in. Well, sure enough, the last prize of the drawing and they call out “Hometown Invasion” with a great tone of confusion. Of course it’s the only brightly colored card in this mess of white ones. I was kind of shy and embarrassed to claim my prize, especially as a guest who isn’t even a member. I probably didn’t deserve it. But wait! This is an INVASION! So I should walk in underdressed and win what I win. Ha ha. So four of us headed to the Boat House restaurant on East Bay in downtown and enjoyed a great dinner of sushi and fish (I went with salmon). On a more serious note, I realized how much I miss having a group of people I know and acquaintances I see more than once. It’s pretty cool to see groups like that popping up across the country. They make a big difference. I’m pretty sure I’ll always be the member who shows up underdressed and out of place, as the corporate and business-casual world just isn’t for me. Once again, it’s another small community of people all linked together that I wish I could be a part of. I look forward to joining such groups some day when I find a place to live longer than five days. I think I have a lot of input. And in addition to that, I have several other ideas on groups I may start myself in a community. Thanks for dinner Charleston Young Professionals! It was a pleasure to be there and I hope to hear from you all. ![]() ![]() |