-Bugsy You're viewing the original Hometown Invasion Tour website as it appeared in 2006/07. At the time, a site built with tables and flash was commonplace. A few backend changes were made to keep the site functioning, but it appears just as it did 16 years ago. See what I've been up to for the last 16 years at www.bugsy.me |
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CaryTuesday, May 29, 2007 from Cary, North CarolinaCary was short lived, but well lived, and with a really weird sleeping schedule. You see I stayed with Kayla (a good friend of my friend Laura). Kayla works at the local TV station in Raleigh, WRAL. She works the morning news shift. What does that mean? Getting up at 4:15 in the morning! What does it mean when you bring a cake into work when you go in? Getting up at 3:15 in the morning! Since it was a one-bedroom apartment I was on the couch without my own room and was basically waking up when Kayla did. It was a challenge. Especially since it’s been harder and harder to get up the longer this trip goes on. The good part of it all was I got a personal tour of a pretty large TV station. I was impressed. Though I didn’t want to, I remained on my best behavior. I wanted to press buttons, flip switches, and turn dials. Kayla is a camera operator and they do it all from a chair! Completely automated cameras. It blew my mind. Of course it doesn’t hurt to stay with someone from the TV station when you have a cool story. So they managed to fit me in for a small live interview. Not my best interview, but it was good. And to everyone at MSU, I’m sorry, please forgive me. I couldn’t resist paying my respects to the University of Duke and the University of North Carolina. I had to stop by. Though both campuses were pretty dead, I hope some of them noticed my MSU stickers and license plate frame. Duke was a pretty campus, not the prettiest, but pretty. I love all the green and trees, but they ruin some buildings by trying to make modern looking castles. And of course the basketball arena is tiny, tiny, tiny. It’s hard to imagine with the success they have, but on the other hand it’s cool that they stick with it, like a tradition. I wanted to see the place inside! Oh well. Down the road at UNC I was able to step inside the stadium for a few minutes. I wasn’t too impressed with their campus, but Franklin Street is a great place to hang out. Very similar to Grand River back at MSU. Except while Grand River was depressed with two losses to UNC in the last three years, Franklin Street was celebrating. ![]() ![]() |