Monday, Aug 28, 2006 from Lansing, Michigan- My full name is Justin William Sailor
- My nickname is Bugsy
- I was born February 10th, 1983
- I was born in Midland, MI
- I’m a Yooper
- My family moved to Baraga, MI when I was one
- I painted myself blue when I was one
- I’m right-handed
- I’m a direct descendent of a passenger from the Mayflower
- I’m related to Rebecca Nurse (first witch prosecuted in Salem witch trials)
- My brother and I share the same birthday, one year apart
- I started playing hockey at age 5
- I played goalie once in my life, we lost 12-1
- I refereed youth hockey
- Our Odyssey of the Mind team went to states three of four years
- My first job was washing cars at a dealership
- I’ve never had cotton candy
- The fastest I’ve solved a Rubik’s cube is 1 min 6 sec
- I usually cut my hair once every 9-12 months
- My first car was a 1983 Mercury Cougar
- I have large hockey card and autograph collections
- Our team won the local little league championship my last year
- I played football in 9th grade
- In elementary school I was voted “Best Dribbler” in basketball
- I had 8 stitches in my right eye brow when I was 4 or 5
- I’ve broken my right pinky
- In 6th grade I had a serious concussion after volunteering to be thrown down a hill
- I spent 6 weeks on crutches after breaking my ankle skateboarding
- My first concert was Weird Al Yankovic
- My favorite band is The Smashing Pumpkins
- I was photo editor for the nation’s largest published yearbook at MSU
- I have a B.A. in Advertising and a B.A. in Sociology
- I graduated college with 158 credits and a 3.23 GPA
- I lived in the dorms for five years with pride and loved the dorm food
- I love ping pong, pool, foosball, and darts
- I was voted “Most Original” my senior year of high school
- I’m notorious for taking long showers
- I can’t let my knees touch when I’m sleeping
- My first drink of alcohol was five months after I turned 21
- Ice cream is an extremely big addiction for me
- My 2nd biggest addiction is the world wide web
- Class, college, professors, and lecture are fantastic
- I love being in nature
- I can’t stand horoscopes
- Astronomy is a secret passion
- Our first family dog was named Taco
- My heart melts for little kittens
- I went a full year without drinking soda, and still cannot handle carbonated drinks
- I love math and statistics, but I hardly remember any of it
- Biology, economics, and accounting were my three most dreaded subjects
- Cereal is amazing
- But not as amazing as bacon
- Yellow is my favorite color
- I’m obsessed with Burton Snowboards
- I was once able to ollie down a set of seven stairs on a skateboard
- I was once able to do 900s and inverted 720s snowboarding
- I love to laugh at social norms like the color pink which have no impact on life
- My favorite holiday is Valentine’s Day
- Piano is my favorite instrument, can’t play, but grew up listening to my mom and brother play
- My biggest fears are going blind or paralyzed
- I’m paranoid about forgetting things and not documenting everything
- I struggle to manage all of my ideas
- My excessive use of post-it notes is out of control
- I’m obsessed with print quality in magazines, books, paper, etc
- I’m not a big fan of TV
- My favorite fruit is bananas
- My favorite artists are Andy Warhol and David Kinsey
- I’m embarrassed by the fact that I can hardly swim
- I pick the peanuts out of Chex mix
- My favorite pizzas are chicken garlic, tostada, chicken fajita, veggie, and sausage & green pepper
- My favorite animals are squirrels and lions
- If I had a lucky number I would want it to be three
- I only buy Pilot V-Ball Extra Fine pens, I always carry one red and one black
- I can’t play any instruments
- I love garlic
- I’ve never been in a fist fight
- Except for hockey, but that’s all part of the game
- Monopoly is my favorite board game, and I don’t stop until the game is over
- My favorite drink is chocolate milk
- I’ve never had a traffic ticket
- I snowboarded next to Shaun White in Park City, UT
- I’ve met Olympic silver medalist Gretchen Bleiler
- I could live on Lipton Sides for years
- My favorite book is “Walking” by David Thoreau
- I usually don’t put any condiments on hamburgers or hotdogs
- I thrive on adrenaline rushes such as roller coasters
- I hate copy machines and office phones
- Clocks in the same room that say different times is a huge pet peeve
- I love grocery shopping
- I can’t spend longer than 30 minutes in a mall
- I love accents of all kinds
- I’m not very good at using the words “good” and “well” properly
- I write poetry occasionally
- I punched my brother’s tooth out on the bus ride home when we were younger
- I have a crush on Natalie Portman
- I eat jelly sandwiches without peanut butter
- My favorite star is Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis)
- Me and my brother once had a guinea pig named Rocky
- I once tried to run on a treadmill backwards and got thrown off hard
- I dream of having a coffee table book published
- I thrive on creativity
Posted: Aug 28, 2006 | 889 words | Comments
Comment by JillianFrom Rapid City, SDI am almost embarassed for reading this entire thing at 11:15pm, but it was oddly enjoyable. :p 
Comment by BugsyFrom Morgantown, WV*17 is no longer true, it is now a list of 100 things about me. On July 31st, 2007 at about 11:00pm in Bellevue, PA I had my first taste of cotton candy. 
Comment by BugsyFrom Bellbrook, OH*80 is also no longer true. I had a speeding ticket in Oregon, 10 miles north of CA border. That was a long time ago, not even two months into the trip. Clean as can be since. 
Comment by CalFrom The 'Ville, MII met you right when you pulled into the parking lot at the State game (Sept. 8). Me and my friends saw your Jeep and thought, "Lets harass this guy." Turns out, you've inspired me a little bit. I have a temporary job at General Motors right now, and I think I am going to try and pitch something like this to them. I don't want to do the exact same thing though. If it ever happens I'll let you know...wait! Produce fifty illegitimate children in 50 states!?!? Yeah, you're right...
*Still thinking* 
Comment by BarbFrom L'Anse across the bay from Baraga, MIOh, my gosh! Has this been here for a year? I am still laughing. Loved the way you numbered everything and then changed a few as life moved on. There will be many more additions and deletes.
Enjoyed reading about you. You are grounded with just a GREAT family.
B and L |