-Bugsy You're viewing the original Hometown Invasion Tour website as it appeared in 2006/07. At the time, a site built with tables and flash was commonplace. A few backend changes were made to keep the site functioning, but it appears just as it did 16 years ago. See what I've been up to for the last 16 years at www.bugsy.me |
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![]() ![]() ![]() | 50 States 100+ Households 375 Days 1251 Gallons of gas 29,403 Miles Some Photos: (Over 2300!) Latest Blogs: (437 total) | |
RestaurantingTuesday, Aug 21, 2007 from Bloomington, IndianaWow, what awesome restaurants in Indiana! I suppose they need to do something to get people to come to the state. Haha! Just joking… sort of. Zwanzigz Pizzeria – Awesome pizza! Couldn’t get a lot down after just playing frisbee. But this is a place everyone must stop in Columbus. Tropical Smoothie – Great wraps, I suggest the chicken almond wrap and then maybe a raspberry smoothie, or whatever the fruit of your choice is. La Bamba – Burritos the size of your head! Honestly, they make them that big. I went with a smaller one. Good place, and if you want to take part in an eating contest in Bloomington this is the place to go. Dorms – Ok, so the dorm food wasn’t that great, but it adds to the variety of eating while in Indiana Mother Bear’s – This is close, very close, to being the best pizza of the trip. I’m going to have to sit down and really think hard about this. To be honest, I think they’ve got it. Awesome place! Don’t dare visit Bloomington without stopping by here. Laughing Plnaet – Good burritos. It’s your local hippy, vegetarian, and green place. Cereal Barn – Oh man! You’ve got to be kidding. Why didn’t I think of this. Sure people can make most of these things at home. The cereal barn is the Cold Stone of cereal. Pick your cereals, pick your toppings, pick your milk. The most original restaurant of the trip. I went with Special K with strawberries, some kind of kids berry cereal, and fresh strawberries. Next time I’m there I’m going to try Cocoa Puffs, Cocoa Krispies, chocolate chips, and marshmallows, with chocolate milk. Sqaure donut – The name says it all. Texas has the most locally owned donut places. RI, MA, and CT have the most Dunkin’ Donuts. But nowhere on this trip have I ever seen square donuts until I got to Bloomington. Amazing! Fisher’s – This is in Flora, IN. While in Indiana I hear that it’s a custom to have some good tenderloin. So I did, it was delicious. Thanks Uncle Bill and Aunt Kimberly. ![]() ![]() ![]() From Flora, IN