-Bugsy You're viewing the original Hometown Invasion Tour website as it appeared in 2006/07. At the time, a site built with tables and flash was commonplace. A few backend changes were made to keep the site functioning, but it appears just as it did 16 years ago. See what I've been up to for the last 16 years at www.bugsy.me |
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![]() ![]() ![]() | 50 States 100+ Households 375 Days 1251 Gallons of gas 29,403 Miles Some Photos: (Over 2300!) Latest Blogs: (437 total) | |
The First StateSunday, Jun 10, 2007 from Milton, DelawareOn December 7th, 1787 Delaware was admitted as the first state. It’d be interesting to go back to that time and hear what they thought of the actual size of the state. As the country got older and moved west the states got bigger. After admitting Delaware into the union there was only one state to every come about that was smaller, Rhode Island. While speaking on the sizes of states, there remain only two states of the 50 that I have never been to now, the biggest and the smallest ones. Rhode Island, I’ll see you in a few weeks, and Alaska hopefully I’ll be seeing you soon too. This stop confirms what I said in another blog entry about how you can choose to live in any kind of environment in this country. There’s a big difference between Potomac, MD and Milton, DE. And I was impressed by the drive. First I had to get out of the hustle and bustle of D.C. and a slow moving freeway. As I made it into Delaware I started seeing beautiful fields and farms. All of a sudden it seemed I was back in Iowa. It was refreshing to see a farm. It has been a lot of city in the last two months. But that’s what the east coast is, it’s all city. Sometimes I miss the long scenic drives out west looking all the way to the horizon without a car in site. These states are tiny out east! At home it took me eight hours to drive from home to school and I was still in the same state. Here I could drive eight hours and see half a dozen states. And for all the people who asked if I was going to just fly through these states to knock out 10 of them in two days, no, they’re all getting their fair share of time. ![]() ![]() |